The Unfiltered Truth Behind Recruiting Services

What questions to ask and how to proceed without one.

Before the ink dries on the check you just wrote for over a thousand dollars or you enter the CVV number on your credit card and hit Submit, we want you to STOP right there because there are a few things you should know about that recruiting service you are investing in.

At @SoftballClimate we are committed to unveiling the truths and helping educate our softball community at the youth and travel ball level. We care about the well-being of our parents, players, and coaches, and we want them to have free unfiltered access to reliable and accurate information.

In today’s recruiting landscape, navigating the travel ball scene can be extremely overwhelming, very expensive, and often competitive. On top of trying to find the “right fit” in a team and organization, there is the task, and hope, of being recruited to play at the next level.

Some teams promise “more exposure”, “guaranteed college coaches”, “recruiting guidance”, and more. Listen, any team can enter a tournament that advertises itself as a Showcase. This does NOT mean your chances of exposure will automatically increase and you will be recruited. There is much more to it and often why people turn towards recruiting services.

The truth behind some recruiting services.

They offer things like guidance, and social media support, and some even make the promise of a college scholarship. There are some big claims and the evidence is often misleading. For example:

Many people have heard of, considered, or even have invested in NCSA (Next College Student Athlete). The truth behind NCSA is anyone wanting to know more about recruiting, opportunities, steps in the process, eligibility, communication, NCAA and NJCAA schools, all the information and resources are there, on their website, and are all FREE.

What people don’t know, on their “scout” calls, they end with a sales pitch and guarantee that college coaches will see and read their emails.

Last I checked, as a former D1 coach and regular human with a Gmail account, no one can “guarantee” that I will choose to click on an email and read its contents.

Through their NCSA website, you can send emails with your profile on a standard template that everyone uses, and in return, you will be able to see which coaches open and click on your email, profile, and video. Sounds neat! Right?

Maybe for some, but unnecessary. You’ll know if a college coach is interested in the number of correspondences you have with a coach. If you aren’t hearing back from a coach, ask yourself 1) per NCAA rules and regulations, can a coach even email me back 2) did you ask a specific question that should trigger an email response (ie, are you still recruiting my position and grad year?) and 3) do they even know about you?

You don’t need an NCSA Profile to be seen.

This goes for ScoutU, NSR, and FastpitchScout to name a few.

What about smaller, maybe not as well-known recruiting services that offer much of the same, but on a more personal level?

Proceed with caution!

While there are many former athletes, coaches, and businesses offering “guaranteed recruiting success”, there are some questions you need to ask before committing to their service.

For example, if you’re looking at websites like Softball or Lets Dream Big we see them advertising millions of dollars in scholarships being awarded to prospective student-athletes assumably to play sports at well-known colleges and universities across the country.

If I’m a parent looking to spend $30/mo to a staggering $5,000/year, here are the questions I would ask:

  1. Should I become a member and invest, do I get a refund if my daughter does not get recruited?

  2. What does “guaranteed recruiting success mean”? A scholarship offer? Roster spot?

  3. Who is providing the “personal service” and what makes experience makes them qualified to help with recruiting?

  4. As current coaches for travel ball teams, are the athletes on your travel ball roster required to sign up for your service?

  5. Are your advertised “Commits” because of the travel ball team you are affiliated with and the exposure those athletes have received or due directly to your service being provided?

  6. Can you provide a testimonial or referral by an athlete who has solely used your service and not played for you?

  7. What % of your players who committed to play at the next level are still playing and/or at the same school they committed to?

  8. Do you work with multiple sports as does Lets Dream Big If so, how are you able to provide “personal support” to so many families?

  9. Why do I need specialized software for a college coach to recognize my daughter as an athlete? Wouldn’t a simple video shot from an iPhone work?

  10. What can you provide that I cannot look up on my own through resources like NCSA How to Get Recruited or joining Facebook groups like Educating Parents of HS Athletes on the Recruiting Process?

Most people these days are tech-savvy and can easily find their way around Google and ChapGPT to find out exactly how to get recruited. The problem is, that most people don’t want to spend time doing the research, weeding through blogs of advice, and applying it to their situation. We are a microwave society, that wants maximum results in a minimum amount of time and would rather write that check to have their hand guided through creating profile templates and robotic emails to coaches.

We are a microwave society, that wants maximum results in a minimum amount of time…

Please don’t and if you do, proceed with caution and ask the right questions.

We did want to share a few “secrets” we want you to know about before moving forward.

  • You don’t need a recruiting service. Answers are 100% free and the only cost is time.

  • The #1 Key to getting recruited is you have to be seen. Coaches can’t recruit you if they don’t know about you.

    • Consistently email coaches. Be personable. Stand out. Brand yourself. Let coaches know when you’re playing and where every weekend.

    • Be searchable. Have an online presence on social media. See how to build your X recruiting template below.

    • BE LIKABLE. Attend college camps/clinics. IF, and only if, you have the skill set and have built a relationship with a coach, your chances of landing a roster spot just doubled.

  • Be good enough. The fact is, you won’t be recruited if you don’t have the skill set to play at the next level. Parents you need to be realistic with your child’s ability. This is a truth many don’t want to hear but need to listen to the most.

The more information you have the more empowered you will be. Ask the right questions, do your research, verify services and share your experiences with others - both good and bad.

The only way we can continue to create a better space for everyone in our community is through truth and education.

Have an idea and want us to write about it? Share your experience or idea with us at or reach out to [email protected].

Don’t forget to follow us on X, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn for more unfiltered truths in today’s @SoftballClimate.